pic.twitter.com/PYBB3uupCE — Yvonne Morgan (@YMMauthor) July 28, 2023 Karri Levens (@karrilevens) / Twitter
Author: admin
@ShouldHaveCat: RT by @karrilevens:
pic.twitter.com/1MffvqNTtM — Why you should have a cat (@ShouldHaveCat) July 27, 2023 Karri Levens (@karrilevens) / Twitter
@shouldhaveanima: RT by @karrilevens:
pic.twitter.com/opHXeyLMDL — why you should have an animal (@shouldhaveanima) July 28, 2023 Karri Levens (@karrilevens) / Twitter
@buitengebieden: RT by @karrilevens: Penguins chasing a butterfly..
Penguins chasing a butterfly.. pic.twitter.com/ZwYq0mvLDI — Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden) July 27, 2023 Karri Levens (@karrilevens) / Twitter
@MartiReyna2: RT by @karrilevens: 1 Peter 2:9 “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew…
1 Peter 2:9 “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of
@ThebestFigen: RT by @karrilevens: A family of giraffes watching the pouring rain in their shelter. ????
A family of giraffes watching the pouring rain in their shelter. ????pic.twitter.com/oxOy3CgjTO — The Best (@ThebestFigen) July 27, 2023 Karri Levens (@karrilevens) / Twitter
@ElRoiShalom: RT by @karrilevens:
pic.twitter.com/aEvWrP71Nq — ☆•*☆҉¨*•Be Blessed*¨*•☆ (@ElRoiShalom) July 27, 2023 Karri Levens (@karrilevens) / Twitter
@fasc1nate: RT by @karrilevens: Capybara goes for a wild ride.
Capybara goes for a wild ride. pic.twitter.com/mmePy90pPD — Fascinating (@fasc1nate) July 27, 2023 Karri Levens (@karrilevens) / Twitter
@karrilevens: The thing that bugs me the most about social media is when people create fake accounts to deceive or scam others. I can’t stand people who scam and I can’t stand people who deceive for personal gain.
The thing that bugs me the most about social media is when people create fake accounts to deceive or scam others. I can’t stand people
@ElieNgoy1: RT by @karrilevens:
pic.twitter.com/f2eVJCEPPi — Mount of Olives Church Ministries (@ElieNgoy1) July 27, 2023 Karri Levens (@karrilevens) / Twitter